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Format: cd

Zoharum is excited to present for the first time on CD "WORLD TRANSMISSION" - a series of rare transmissions, reduced and performed by COLUMN ONE in chronological order to document some of its phases. This work is no recording. It exists as a stepping cone while it's essential creators were at work.

Each of the five chapters is released as a separate release on a CD folded in a 6-panel ecopack. 

Premiere October 21, 2022

W.T.1  was recorded on August 12th, September 27th and October 5th, 1992 as well as January 23th, 1991 and April 17th, 1993.

Previously released in 1992 on cassette tape titled "NEW-RE-GENERATION. The meaning and Function of this series were not clearly defined at the time.Various Unreleased Versions of this First Transmission took shape, all of which followed a diverging emphasis in their conceptional and formal direction. The originally released version, which is not included here, became a marked terminus rather then an origin.

This release focused on the roots of COLUMN ONE that lie in a combination of coded key sounds and images. The associated degrees and movements of immersion and subversion into the consciousness that is COLUMN ONE moved, according to this pattern in a clear process.

These recordings are basic situations. Like pieces of furniture they take place without variations in a psychic Space - without raising claim of wanting to enter a musical universe.

Contact [recorded in 1993] varies the sentence “WHEN WE HEARD THAT NOISE, WE FELL DOWN AND HID OUR FACES.“ of a woman from NEW GUINEA. [1984] is included here as a curious find from childhood and documents first attempts to experiment with tape and sound in 1984.

previously unreleased: contact, alloy, propaganda I, TH W AND  [1984].