Hong Kong. Taiwan and Mainland China. who are active(addicted) to develop and present their own SOUND nowadays! Learn whatfs really happening of recent experimental and non-academic music in Hong Kong. Taiwan and Mainland China. features tracks by Formalin (Guangzhou). Hatred In Eyes (Hong Kong). äkMH Taipei Hot Autumn (Taipei). ~uE Mei Zhiyoung (Changchun). lllllllllllHH (Shanghai). Torturing Nurse (Shanghai). VAVABOND (Beijing). Orgasm Denial (Hong Kong) and Edwin Lo (Hong Kong). We hope to show you at least part of the fact. some artists we have followed and communicated for days but not stupid recommendations made by Mr. Know-nothing journalists or Chinese-manias. Unfortunately. we have to give up some names because of disc length. Maybe next time if you care.
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Format: cd