Revenant Marquis – "Below The Landsker Line" 2nd hand LP
All 2nd hand vinyl in good condition. Damaged / crap quality items not for sale.....
Revenant Marquis "Anti-Universal Compassion / Orphans" 2nd hand LP (green marble)
All 2nd hand vinyl in good condition. Damaged / crap quality items not for sale.....
Moonblood – The Winter Falls Over The Land (IBP) 2nd hand LP
2015, Iron Bonehead. All 2nd hand vinyl in good condition. Damaged / crap quality items not for sale.....
Hostium / Arrogance / Svolder / A.M.S.G. – 2nd hand LP
2017 DTB. All 2nd hand vinyl in good condition. Damaged / crap quality items not for sale.....
One Year after exemplary :DEATH ZONES: had been identified, the struggle of positioning the table fromwhere we get our spoons full of Hatred served continues. Fed up, its time to let loose and free yo..
Timo Hännikäinen: Ennen ukkosta -KIRJA
Uudessa esseekokoelmassaan Timo Hännikäinen tarkastelee sivilisaatiota tulivuoren juurella. Maailmanpolitiikka näyttäytyy hänelle shakkipelinä, jossa tehdään jatkuvasti idioottimaisia siirtoja. Suomi ..
Kenneth Grant "valoa vasten" KIRJA
”Uteliaisuudesta virinnyt, joutilas unikuva avaa oven pimeyteen.Kun kertoja saa kuulla esivanhempansa teloitetun noituudesta 1500-luvulla, häntä kehotetaan tutkimaan tämän historiaa. Tutkimusten epäon..
Solmu ajassa - KIRJA
"Rapistuneen ja purkutuomion saaneen, Solmun talona tunnetun rakennuksen alapohjassa lojui satoja vanhoja lasinegatiiveja, osin maahan hautautuneina. Taiteilijat löysivät negatiivit sattumalta ja päät..
Tapio Kotkavuori: Vasemman käden polku - 20v-juhlapainos KIRJA
Tapio Kotkavuoren alunperin vuonna 2004 julkaistu "Vasemman käden polku" oli merkittävä virstanpylväs kotimaisen magian harjoittamisen ja esoterian kentillä. Kotkavuori hankki esoteeriset kannuksensa ..
Hugo Esquinca & Russell Haswell "Terrarium" CD
Presenting a brand new CD from Hugo Esquinca and Russell Haswell. After several years of collaboration, “Terrarium” is the first in a series of full lengths from these two proper legends. A split rele..
JPI Vio-Lens Kommand "For One Night We Woke Up With Eyes Like Stones" LP
NWN. Bestial speed metal a thing? Well, it is now because these guys are doing it. When I got the CD as a promo in the mail I had no idea what to expect. Perhaps from the eastern inspired layout ..
Funereal Moon "Beneath the Cursed Light of a Spectral Moon" LP
NWN. Cult classic Mexican black metal/black ambient debut album from 1995 that was originally released only on CD format by Guttural Records (Xibalba, Avzhia, Deinonychus etc.). NWN is prou..
Caixão "Herakles / Melqart" LP
NWN. Since 2017, Portuguese multi-instrumentalist JG has been releasing music under the name Caixão. Guided by JG’s laborious research of the peoples that once populated the region in and around ..
Invunche "Atavismo" CD
NWN. ANCESTRAL BLACK METAL Long awaited second full-length by Dutch-Chilean band INVUNCHE. Inspired by ILDJARN, VOLAHN and LOS JAIVAS but following a path uniquely its own. ATAVISMO worships anci..
Araphel "Old Comet Transition" CD
“Araphel” (or “arafel”) is a Hebrew word for “darkness.” More specifically, it is a thick, black fog that enshrouds God. As used in sacred texts, “araphel” is more than a simple adjective—it refers to..
W.A.I.L. / Misantropical Painforest "Dare to Venture Down to Earth..." Split LP
From the frigid climes of the far North comes one of the most compelling split records in recent years: Finland’s W.A.I.L. and MISANTROPICAL PAINFOREST have joined forces to release “DARE TO VENTURE D..
Diocletian “Inexorable Nexus” LP
Debuting on NWN! Productions after six years in the making, the album “Inexorable Nexus” represents a convergence of power and influence wielded by the nihilistic might of Diocletian in the undergroun..
Diocletian “Inexorable Nexus” cd
Debuting on NWN! Productions after six years in the making, the album “Inexorable Nexus” represents a convergence of power and influence wielded by the nihilistic might of Diocletian in the undergroun..
Wolves' Winter "The medium" cd
Through Qayin's manifestations, Wolves' Winter incarnate his words as heralds of Death. The cult is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was formed in 2008, and has 5 devoted members who spread the word ..
DEFUNTO "El presagio / Demo 2021" cd
Dismally slow and churning death doom from Costa Rica...
प्रलय (Pralaya) "Satanic Violence" mcd
'प्रलय' is a Hindi word (Pralaya) that translates to 'Destruction'First chapter of dark, evil and barbaric metal lurking into depths of hatred and blasphemy. "Satanic Violence" is a monument of b..
NEKRODEATH FUNERAL "Cemetery Rituals" cd
Oldschool Metal in mid tempo with horror atmosphere!Made by Xaos Oblivion, Perversor & Opium (from Demonic Slaughter)..